I'm a Caniac Who Doesn't Like the Surge and That's Perfectly Fine

The Surge has been the topic of Hockey Analysts, Pundits, Talking heads and Bloggers for about a week now. With the Legendary Don Cherry most recently sounding off on it, on a session of Coaches Corner during last Saturday's Hockey Night in Canada. Dubbing the team a "Bunch of Jerks" setting off a social media firestorm which the Canes public relations and Marketing teams quickly jumped on and have marketed brilliantly couple that with the term "Bunch of Jerks" being ran into the absolute ground on social media forums. I want to go on record and say it is perfectly acceptable to be a Canes Fan and not like the surge! I am one of those fans

However, there is a misconception amongst Canes Fans that if you don't like the Surge you clearly not a "real fan" ( what does that even mean? I mean is there a criteria that must be met for fandom?) I will be the first to say that the only thing I like about the surge is it means the team has just won and inched ever so closer to the elusive playoffs. Other than that it's just not my bag. I do enjoy seeing an increasing number of fans at the PNC happy and waiting to see that the team will do next, but in the meantime I am heading to my car.

It's nothing personal other than I just don't find them amusing. I love the theatre, but choreographed celebrations in all sports seem to fail to garner an emotional response in me. Does that make a person less of a fan? Absolutely Not! I can attest I'm not the only one in Canes attire making their way out of the PNC arena at this time.

However, I wouldn't begrudge anyone for staying any more than I would want to be chastised for leaving . I am a fan of Canes Hockey, those 60 minutes from puck drop till final horn I am engaged to the point my beautiful wife could be blowing in my ear and I wouldn't notice. Also I am for sure not participating in the wave because we'll first of all it's not 1991 and secondly I don't want to miss a moment of the action in a sport so fast a that if you blink you could miss a goal. After the final horn life resumes and I move on. However, if you want to by all means enjoy. I'll be cruising out the parking lot without having to give an opposing fan in their car  the finger because they done understand the 1 for 1 parking lot exit rule at the PNC. Thanks for reading and Redvolution.

The Caniac Collector


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